
Weak sanctions


February 23rd

Today's volatility range:

Russian President Vladimir Putin recognized two eastern Ukraine as independent sovereign states, and sent troops to these two places, which was tantamount to invading Ukraine in disguise. The price of gold was near the highest level in eight months due to the tense situation.

However, after that, US President Biden's sanctions list did not include Russian President Vladimir Putin. The market believed that the sanctions did not destroy the opportunity for the leaders of the two countries to return to the negotiating table, and the gold market softened. It is expected that the gold market will still

Affected by the situation in Russia and Ukraine, unless the US military really intervenes in the war, the gold market will remain volatile at this stage. Today's suggested volatility ranges from $1893 to $1910.

Affected by the situation in Russia and Ukraine at an early date, Britain and the United States disclosed information in unison, saying that in the worst case, Russia will plan to launch a full-scale invasion of Ukraine this week, including seizing Ukraine.

Kiev, the capital! The news led to a sharp drop in the European and American stock markets as soon as possible. The opening gap of Hong Kong stocks opened 477 points lower and lost 24,000 points. The decline once intensified to fall more than 800 points, and finally the Hang Seng Index closed at 23,520 points, with 650 points inserted.

Or 2.7%. Yesterday, it was announced in China that fees and taxes will be reduced again, and interest rate adjustment may be lowered again to stimulate the economy. It is expected that Hong Kong stocks will rebound today. Russian President Vladimir Putin recently signed an order to recognize eastern Ukraine.

The independent status of Donetsk and Lugansk, two pro-Russian regions, and sent soldiers into these two pro-Russian regions for peacekeeping deployment.

The war tension between Russia and Ukraine escalated further. As the crisis worsened, the European stock market plunged nearly 2%. However, due to ineffective sanctions, the tail market had the opportunity to stabilize, and the three major European stock markets eventually developed individually.

Germany DAX index fell by 0.26%; Paris CAC index fell by 0.01%; Britain's FTSE 100 index rose 0.13%. As Russian President Vladimir Putin signed the order to recognize the two pro-Russian regions in eastern Ukraine as

Independent Republic, and sending troops to the region, is tantamount to invading Ukraine in disguise. US President Biden later said that the United States would take the first sanctions against Russia, targeting Russian sovereign debt and financial institutions.

Not including Putin.

The market believes that Biden's sanctions are weak, and the decline of US stocks has narrowed significantly. Dow Jones index finally closed down 1.41%; Standard & Poor's 500 Index fell 0.99%; The Nasdaq index fell by 1.23%. Russia

President Putin recognized two eastern Ukraine as independent sovereign states, and sent troops to these two places, which was tantamount to invading Ukraine in disguise. The price of gold had reached its highest level in eight months due to the tense situation, and the highest rose to 1914.3.

Dollar, but then US President Biden's sanctions list did not include Russian President Vladimir Putin. The market thought that the sanctions did not destroy the opportunity for the leaders of the two countries to return to the negotiating table, and the gold market softened, with a minimum of 1,891.5 dollars.

Yuan, finally closed at $1898.4, down $5.6.

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