
Lard blindfold


March 17 th

Today's volatility range:

Gold price continued to consolidate yesterday, and the yield of U.S. 10-year treasury bonds and the trend of the U.S. dollar continued to cut the price of gold, while investors were observing the results of the Federal Reserve's interest rate decision announced this morning.

Gold will still consolidate in a narrow range during the Asian market. Maintain the suggested volatility between $1720 and $1740.

Yesterday, the Executive Council approved the fare increase applications of four franchised bus operators, with an average increase rate of 8.5% to 12%, which was the largest approved increase rate since the introduction of the franchise bus fare increase or decrease mechanism by the Government in 2006.

In fact, in the past, the public has become sick of the government mechanism, and derided it as a "mechanism that can be added" no "but reduced", and no bus operator has ever reduced the price.

Representatives of guild members explained that the arrangement had taken into account the affordability of the public, but the unemployment rate in Hong Kong reached a 12-year high, rising to 7.2%, and the epidemic continued to drag down the economic performance of Hong Kong.

However, the members of the guild who are specially expensive have lost their hearts in lard, and they don't keep their prices down as usual. They directly approve the grant for the whole amount, which means they are firmly off the ground? Or indifferent to the sufferings of the people? .

Hang Seng Index rose 0.66% yesterday due to shrinking turnover.

Volkswagen, a German carmaker, announced plans to build six battery factories in Europe and invest in charging stations worldwide, apparently planning to take a share in the tram market.

Volkswagen is exploring the market with a brand-new design, or using classic models, such as "electric beetles" to capture powder and stir-fry, which attracts attention and expectation!

The German ZEW economic prosperity index announced yesterday was better than market expectations, leading the three major indexes of European stock markets to rise, and the German DAX index rose by 0.66%; The French CAC index rose by 0.32%,

The British stock market was not afraid of people demonstrating on the streets in London, and the FTSE 100 index rose 0.17%. It is said that US President Biden intends to increase taxes to keep the dollar strong. But this is to be expect,

Imagine that after launching the $1.9 trillion bail-out case, it plans to invest heavily in infrastructure projects. Where does the money come from? You can't just live on credit, so it is inevitable to increase taxes.

In addition to economic needs, tax increase is also a political task for the Democratic Party of the United States, which controls the US Congress. It was analyzed as early as the US presidential election.

If you are interested in Batasida, you can look for it yourself and revisit it. Tax increases directly cut corporate profits. In addition to the appalling US retail data released last night, the core retail sales index of the United States last month showed a negative growth of 2.7%.

It was the worst performance since the Great Depression in 1929, except the first quarter after the outbreak of COVID-19 last year. News and data hit investor sentiment, and the Dow Jones index ended seven consecutive rises.

Down by 0.39; The Standard & Poor's Index also broke the cable, down 0.63%; Technology stocks remained supportive, with the Nasdaq index up 0.09%. Gold prices continued to consolidate yesterday, with volatility and no increase.

The yield of U.S. ten-year treasury bonds and the trend of the U.S. dollar continued to cut the price of gold, reaching a minimum of $1,726 per ounce. Except for the appalling retail sales data released last night,

Gold price fluctuated greatly and rose to the highest level of $1,741 per ounce and dropped rapidly. Most of the gold price fluctuated in the range of $1,730 to $1,735 throughout the day, closing at $1,732 per ounce, even yesterday's closing price.

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