
Demolition of bombs


Today's volatility range:

Looking forward to the application of vaccines to improve economic activities, coupled with the stable political situation and the declining demand for safe haven, the atmosphere in the gold market deteriorated, and the gold price failed to reach the key level of $1,850 twice last week. Yesterday, it was confirmed to adjust downwards.

It is expected that the price of gold will fluctuate and consolidate today, with the main volatility ranging from USD 1815 to USD 1833. If you fall below 1815 support, you can pursue the sale.

The epidemic situation of new pneumonia in Britain continues to be serious, and new variant virus strains have been found, which may be the reason for the rapid increase of local epidemic cases. Britain has notified the World Health Organization. British Health Minister Xia Guoxian said,

There is no indication that the new variant strain is more deadly than the original strain, or will make the existing vaccine invalid. However, in order to prevent the epidemic from worsening, Xia Guo announced that some areas in London and southeast England will start from the early morning of Wednesday,

Implement the strictest third-level epidemic prevention restrictions. The restrictions on epidemic prevention are tightened again, which is bound to hit the golden season around Christmas and hit the catering and retail industries hard. As for the Brexit issue, after the two sides agreed to extend the negotiations on Sunday,

Yesterday, there was a little progress. European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said that he was satisfied with the progress of the negotiations on the post-Brexit trade agreement with Britain. The two sides had established a good framework, but the details remained to be dealt with. Banier, the chief negotiator of the European Union, said,

The main differences with Britain have been reduced to two, including fishing rights and fair competition provisions. A spokesman for British Prime Minister Johnson also admitted that there are still differences between the two sides on fishing rights and fair competition, but they will try their best to reach an agreement.

The news is good for the European stock market, and the German DAX index rose by 0.875%; French CAC index rose 0.37%. The British stock market was affected by the tightening of epidemic prevention restrictions, with the FTSE 100 index falling 0.26%.

The political situation in the United States will tend to be stable. The California Electoral College confirmed that Democratic presidential candidate Biden had obtained 270 electoral votes needed to win the election, and confirmed that the election was the next presidential election. According to the procedure, Biden will be sworn in in the new Congress on January 3rd next year.

Yesterday, the United States also began to vaccinate Americans against COVID-19, which symbolically demonstrated that the virus threat that had been entangled for almost a year was resolved. On the other hand, the US inter-party parliamentary group announced the details of the second round of the $900 billion epidemic stimulus bill early this morning.

The bill is divided into two parts. The first part is a $748.00 billion rescue plan, which is mainly to provide assistance to small enterprises, so as to prevent them from closing down and causing greater unemployment rate. The second part has only two contents, namely, the $160 billion state government assistance sought by the Democratic Party.

As well as the Republican Party's obligation to exempt clients from the law to recover from their employers for COVID-19 pneumonia. The news of political stability and vaccines made investors tend to be risky assets. The new york stock market rose across the board in the early period, and the Dow Jones index broke a record high and eventually fell by 0.62%;

The Standard & Poor's 500 Index made a four-day losing streak, losing 0.44% to close; Nasdaq index remained positive, up 0.5%. The United States is defusing two political and virus bombs, investors tend to be risky assets, the US dollar and Huang Quan are the first victims, and the US dollar index continues to fall.

Close to 90.66 points; Gold was also lowered yesterday, with the worst falling to $1,819 per ounce, the highest to $1,840 per ounce, and finally closing at $1,827 per ounce, down $12.

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