
Uncovered chicken coop


Yesterday, the COVID-19 epidemic in Hong Kong recorded zero local infection cases for two consecutive days. The Hong Kong Health Bureau announced that from this Friday, bars, nightclubs or nightclubs will be relaxed to a maximum of four people and can operate until 2 am.

And restaurants will be relaxed to six people. But the most important thing is that the special government announced that Hong Kong people living in the Mainland will be exempted from compulsory quarantine from next month.

Even if there is no doubt that the Chief Executive, Ms Carrie Lam, cares about the motivation of mainland Hong Kong people to reunite with their families from a humane standpoint, will the measures make Hong Kong a chicken coop and let the epidemic get out of control again? At least many medical experts have expressed concern.

We must know that the reason for the second outbreak of the virus is that the government is not thorough in implementing the health policy. On that day, the Chief Executive allowed the crew and seafarers who came to Hong Kong to avoid testing and move around at will on humanitarian grounds.

Will the Chief Executive do bad things with good intentions again this time?, Besides asking for more happiness, we have to wear masks and wash our hands frequently to protect ourselves.

The COVID-19 epidemic broke out again in many European countries, with France and Spain being the most serious, with nearly 1.2 million patients in COVID-19, over 910,000 people in Britain and over 460,000 people in Germany.

Countries have introduced more severe social isolation measures to prevent the epidemic from worsening. The market is worried that the epidemic and isolation measures will severely hit the European economy. The major European stock markets have fallen across the board, and the decline rate just reflects the local situation of the epidemic.

The most German DAX index fell at least 0.9%; The French CAC index fell by up to 2%; Britain's FTSE 100 index fell about 1%. Foreign exchange investors tend to be cautious, with the pound and euro falling slightly against the US dollar.

The COVID-19 epidemic in the United States is also worsening. More than 75,000 new infections were recorded yesterday, and the cumulative number of infected people exceeded 9 million. A new epidemic mitigation plan in the United States is progressing slowly, as described by White House economic adviser Kudla.

Negotiations around the new round of economic stimulus plan have not ended, but there are still differences on important issues, which have lost momentum at present. Although both sides of the negotiation expressed earlier that they expected to reach an agreement before the polling day of November 3rd presidential election,

However, the market views are different. The consumer confidence of the US September Consultation Conference announced yesterday was 100.9 points lower than that of August 101.3. The new york stock market developed individually, and the Dow Jones index fell 0.8%; The Standard & Poor's 500 Index fell 0.3%;

As a number of technology giants, including Facebook and Apple, announced their results, investors increased their holdings in anticipation of performance growth, and pushed up the Nasdaq index to 0.6%. The price of gold rose 5 dollars yesterday to close at 1,907 dollars per ounce.

The highest is only up to $1,909 per ounce, and the lowest is $1,898 per ounce. The deterioration of the COVID-19 epidemic in Europe and America was beneficial to improve the safe-haven function of gold, but the US dollar index returned to the level of 93 points, suppressing the increase of gold price, and the presidential election is just around the corner.

There are uncertain factors in the election results, investors are more cautious in strategy, and the price of gold is still in a narrow fluctuation pattern before the election.

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