Financial encyclopedia

The Impact of Trump Trading on the Market


Earlier, former US President Trump was attacked at the rally. Some analysts believe that regardless of the presidential or congressional elections, the Republican Party's winning rate has increased significantly, so that the probability of "Trump deal" reappearing has increased. What is Trump deal? How to influence the investment market?

What is the Trump Deal?

"Trump deal" refers to the investment market's expectation that the Republican Party will usher in policies such as tax reduction, trade policy and deregulation when it returns to the White House, and then adjust its investment strategy to gain potential benefits.

"Trump Deal" Policy and Market Impact;

Tax reduction policy: The Trump administration has implemented large-scale tax cuts, especially tax relief for enterprises, which has improved the profitability of enterprises. Investors tend to increase their investment in American enterprises, especially those industries that benefit from tax cuts such as finance, manufacturing and energy.

US stocks are expected to rise

Deregulation: The Trump administration is committed to deregulating finance, energy and other industries, which will help reduce the cost of enterprises and improve their competitiveness. Investors are therefore optimistic about these industries and expect them to benefit from a more relaxed regulatory environment.

Unfavorable financial stocks, traditional energy stocks benefited, and renewable energy stocks.

Trade policy: Trump's protectionist policies, such as tariff measures against China and other countries, have caused market uncertainty, but they have also allowed investors to adjust their investment strategies and look for industries and companies that can benefit from the trade war.

Will worsen inflation in the United States

Cryptographic currency: The latest draft of the Republican Party's party platform clearly states that "the suppression of cryptocurrencies will be ended" and opposes the introduction of digital currency by the central bank, the defense of bitcoin mining rights, and the defense of the rights to custody and free trading of digital assets.

Good cryptocurrency

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