Financial encyclopedia

Nine Points of Buffett's Shareholders' Meeting


Over the past weekend, the annual Buffett shareholders' meeting ended, and tens of thousands of investors gathered to listen to Buffett's market views, investment strategies and philosophy of life. What did the stock god say this year?

Talking about apples

At the end of 2024, Apple is likely to remain the largest single stock in Ba County, or it will hold shares of Apple, Coca-Cola and American Express for a long time.

Talking about artificial intelligence

I don't know anything about artificial intelligence, but it doesn't mean that this technology is not important. The development of Al makes me a little nervous, which is similar to nuclear weapons. I think any labor-intensive industry may be threatened by AI.

Talking about autonomous driving

Regarding the impact of autonomous driving technology on insurance, he said that autonomous driving may reduce the occurrence of car accidents or reduce traffic costs, but it is still in a difficult initial stage.

Talking about the American economy

At present, it is not the absolute size of US Treasury bonds that threatens the US financial system, but inflation and the future value of the US dollar that threaten the whole system. So I'm not worried about the absolute amount of US Treasury bonds, but about the prospect of fiscal deficit.

Talking about the investment direction

The main investment battlefield in the future is still in the United States. I am very satisfied with the return on investing in Japan. I handed over my investment in India to the next management, and now I am investigating investing in Canada.

Talking about the case of losing money

The whole Paramount Universal shares have been sold and a lot of money has been lost. This is entirely my decision and has nothing to do with the two investment managers.

Talking about successors

Buffett confirmed that 61-year-old Greg Abel will take over the investment decision completely.

Talking about Munger

Munger once disagreed with me twice, suggesting investing in BYD and Costco. Both times Munger struck the table and urged to buy it. Looking back now, Munger was right in both decisions.

Talking about the investment concept

Luck plays a very important role in compound interest. My best skill now is to avoid risks and bad luck. When you are lucky, you must make full use of your luck.

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