
Us troops in Poland


February 8

Today's volatility range:

The U.S. Air Force stationed in southeastern Poland on Sunday, and Bailos broke away from neutrality, and will hold a simulated border guard battle with Russia in Bailos from Thursday, which will make the situation in Eastern Europe more tense and lead to safe-haven funds flowing into the gold market.

Push up the price of gold. In addition, the market hopes that the European Central Bank may raise interest rates early this year, and the US dollar index will rise and fall, further stimulating the rise of gold prices. The price of gold rose above $1,815, showing strength and having a great chance to challenge $1,825.

Dollars. Today's suggested volatility ranges from $1815 to $1827.

People's Daily, the official media in mainland China, commented that dynamic zeroing is not the pursuit of zero infection, but it is a scientific choice in line with the actual situation of the society. At the same time, it pointed out that if Hong Kong implements "lying flat" coexisting with viruses.

Strategy, which will threaten the lives of seven million people in Hong Kong, is unacceptable. Although the number of infected people in Covid-19 has reached record highs, and the living density in Hong Kong is one of the highest in the world, coupled with insufficient supporting resources,

Can't learn from the mainland to seal the whole community; However, it is estimated that loyal and patriotic Hong Kong officials will follow grandpa's instructions closely. Even if they see that they have to sacrifice their economic interests, they will certainly meet difficulties! May be affected by the epidemic, China will take it in January.

The business purchasing managers' index fell back to 51.4, while the longitudinal purchasing managers' index recorded 50.1, only above the expansion base of 50. Although the mainland economic data is poor, it does not hinder the mainland stock market from making the first exchange in the Year of the Tiger.

Yi-day performance, Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets rose by 2% and 1% respectively. Hong Kong stocks also benefited, with the Hang Seng Index rising 6 points or 0.03% to close.

On the first trading day of the Year of the Tiger, a red disk was opened, which brought some good news to Hong Kong people who were troubled by the epidemic. Last Friday, the Hong Kong stock market opened 590 points higher, and then rose more and more, up to more than 800 points, and the Hang Seng Index finally closed at the market.

2573 points, up 771 points or 3.2%. Due to the long holiday of the Chinese New Year, the HKEx had to open for one and a half days last week. After a week, the Hang Seng Index rose by no more than 1023 points or 4.3%. The European Central Bank denied rumors in the market.

The policy of raising interest rates began in July this year, emphasizing that monetary policy will only be gradually adjusted; Lagarde, the president of the European Central Bank, said yesterday that it would not raise interest rates until the end of the European emergency aid loan. Coupled with the ideal business performance,

The three major European stock markets rose across the board, and the German DAX index rose by 0.71%. Paris CAC index rose by 0.73%; Britain's FTSE 100 index rose 0.86%.

Meta-universe platform continued the decline of the results announced last Wednesday, and fell by another 5% yesterday, which has fallen by 30% cumulatively. The decline affects the market's doubts about the potential profitability of technology stocks, and it will also be aggravated by the imminent interest rate increase of the Federal Reserve.

Such as the operating costs of enterprises, the three major indexes of Wall Street developed individually, and the Dow Jones index did not rise or fall; Standard & Poor's 500 Index fell 0.37%; The Nasdaq index fell 0.58%. The vanguard of the US Air Force entered the border on Sunday.

The southeastern part of Poland on the Ukrainian border borders a military base near the Ukrainian border city of Gershov. However, Burroughs seems to be out of neutrality and will hold a simulated border guard war with Russia in Burroughs from Thursday.

Repel the enemy troops invading the southern border between the two countries. The geopolitical situation in Ukraine is unstable, and safe-haven funds gradually push up the price of gold when the market opens. In addition, the President of the European Central Bank Lagarde delivered a speech yesterday, which changed that the European Central Bank said last month.

It is unlikely to raise interest rates this year, and pointed out that monetary policy should be more flexible and optional. Later, she added that it would not raise interest rates until the end of European emergency aid loans (that is, October this year). The market looks forward to Europe

The central bank may raise interest rates early this year. The US dollar index went from rising to falling, and the price of gold broke, rising to a maximum of 1823.6 US dollars, and finally closing at 1820.4 US dollars, up 12.5 US dollars.

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