
fight a war


March 2 nd

Today's volatility range:

Gold price is weak recently, regardless of the yield of U.S. treasury bonds, the rise or fall of the stock market dollar and even cryptocurrency, the price of gold is declining, and has been falling for five consecutive days.

Although it is difficult to push up inflation in the current sluggish labor market in the United States, Biden's $1.9 trillion economic stimulus plan will eventually stimulate inflation, which will inevitably push down real interest rates.

Gold is still promising in the medium and long term. However, the recent weakness of gold price should be high, and the suggested volatility is between 1717 and 1733 US dollars.

Last weekend, the US Food and Drug Administration officially approved the emergency right to use the novel coronavirus vaccine developed by Johnson & Johnson. Johnson & Johnson said they had a single dose of vaccine.

It can provide more efficient protection for vaccinators and start shipping immediately. It is estimated that 20 million doses of vaccines will be supplied to the United States in March, and vaccination will start in the next few weeks at the earliest.

Although many countries around the world have started vaccination programs, WHO said that the number of confirmed SARS-CoV-2 in the world rose last week, the first time in the past seven weeks.

WHO Director-General Tan Desai expressed disappointment but was not surprised, and said it was unrealistic to think that the epidemic could end by the end of this year. Kind of, the battle is not easy to get.

Yesterday, the international oil price dropped, which more or less reflected that the epidemic had the opportunity to mutate again and again, resulting in the next wave. This battle was really difficult.

The war crisis broke out again in the Middle East. The media reported that Israel fired several missiles at Damascus, the Syrian capital, yesterday, and most of the missiles were successfully intercepted by air defense systems.

The geopolitical conflict between the two countries begins with each other's religion, but if they are really involved in the war, not only the residents of the two countries will suffer, but also the global economy will suffer. As people with power,

Never abuse power. Yesterday's article mentioned that when the balance sheet of the United States swells, its liabilities will also increase. In order to convince other countries that the United States has the ability to bear debts,

She will also hope that the US dollar will continue to dominate the world, which will inevitably attack potential competition. By the way, who is the primary target?

China, of course, is being dug up! Burns, who has just been nominated by U.S. President Biden as director of the CIA, bluntly pointed out that China poses the greatest geopolitical test for the United States.

Winning the competition with China will be the key to China's national security in the coming decades.

EU leaders will hold a video conference last week to discuss border arrangements under the new pneumonia epidemic, consider issuing vaccination certificates,

In order to allow vaccinated people to have greater freedom of movement in EU countries, so as to save tourism. Unde that market atmosphere led by tourism and leisure unit,

Yesterday, the three major European stock markets ended their two-day decline, all rising by more than 1.5%, and the German DAX index rose by 1.64%; French CAC index rose by 1.57%;

The FTSE 100 Index rose 1.62%. The yield of US debt dropped from a high level, and many American companies took advantage of the favorable market atmosphere to issue corporate bonds.

Market competitiveness has put pressure on the price of long-term national debt, and the yield of 10-year national debt has been reported to be around 1.4%, which has stopped the upward trend at the high of 1.6% last week.

Johnson & Johnson's single-dose vaccine and the US economic stimulus plan were successfully fermented yesterday. Coupled with good manufacturing data, the three major indexes of the new york stock market were greatly improved.

The Dow Jones index rose by 1.95%; The Standard & Poor's Index recorded the best performance in the past three quarters, with an increase of 2.38%; The Nasdaq index is even more spread, rising 3%.

The price of gold fluctuated sharply yesterday. In the early stage, the price of gold rebounded to 1760 US dollars per ounce due to the geopolitical conflict in the Middle East, but it was unsustainable. In the US market, the stock market soared and the US dollar strengthened.

The price of gold fell further, with the lowest price falling to $1,719 per ounce, with a fluctuation of $41, and finally closed at $1,725 per ounce, down $9.

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