
Change the trend


February 23 rd

Today's volatility range:

When the price of gold changes, Biden's $1.9 trillion economic stimulus plan will be passed. With the weakening of the US dollar and the downward adjustment of Bitcoin by 10%, some cryptocurrency funds should be profitable and flow to the gold market.

Gold is expected to catch up with others in the near future. Today, there should be more, and the suggested volatility is between 1800 and 1817/24 USD.

Yesterday, the Hong Kong Education Bureau relaxed the number of face-to-face courses in schools to be no more than one-third of the total number of students in the school, but the number of students returning to school was still less than expected. According to media reports,

At the end of last year, the Hong Kong Secondary School Principals' Association conducted a questionnaire survey on students leaving school and teachers leaving school to all secondary school principals in Hong Kong. The survey found that a total of 723 students dropped out of school because of their departure from Hong Kong, including immigration and overseas studies.

Compared with 475 people in the same period of 2019, it increased by 50%. Whether this phenomenon proves that Hong Kong's education system is no longer attractive, or there are other reasons, the SAR Government deserves to review.

You can't muddle through with the official tone of not commenting on individual cases. British Prime Minister Johnson said that the vaccination program has become a shield to protect the population of the whole country. Yesterday, he announced the relaxation of social restrictions in stages.

Starting from the 8 th of next month, all schools in England will be reopened, and people can gather in outdoor public places. The upper limit is two people. By the end of March, this limit will be relaxed to six people or two families; By mid-April,

Non-essential retail businesses such as hair salons, fitness rooms, swimming pools and other facilities can be reopened, but the specific situation still depends on whether the epidemic control is up to standard.

Although the epidemic in Europe continued to ease, many European companies announced their results yesterday, which was affected by the poor performance of falling profits caused by the epidemic. In addition, technology stocks fell, and the three major European stock markets fell across the board.

Germany's DAX index and Britain's FTSE 100 index fell for three consecutive days, down 0.31% and 0.77% respectively; French CAC fell by 0.11%. The yield of U.S. 10-year treasury bonds continued to rise on Monday, reaching a one-and-a-half-year high of 1.393%.

In addition, the US Treasury Secretary commented on overheated investment, saying that both transaction tax and capital gains tax are worth studying. New york stock market is under pressure, except traditional enterprises continue to be sought after, Dow Jones index keeps rising for the fourth day.

Up 0.09%; Affected by the 8% decline of tram manufacturer Tesla, the Standard & Poor's Index fell 2.46%; Nasdaq index fell 0.77%.

US President Biden's $1.9 trillion bail-out bill is expected to be successfully launched before the end of this week. Yesterday, the bill passed the House Budget Committee without the support of any Republican lawmakers, and the bill will be handed over to the House of Representatives for adoption this week;

It has been reported that the bill includes a $1,400 bail-out cheque sent to nationals, strengthening unemployment benefits, raising the minimum wage level, and providing funds for vaccine programs. According to the voting results of the House Budget Committee,

Even though Republican lawmakers oppose it, in the House of Representatives, the Democratic Party of the United States can pass the bill by 50+1. Affected by the news, the US dollar fell yesterday, and the US dollar index fell by nearly 90 points. After entering the Year of the Ox, the price of gold has not performed well.

Finally, it changed its trend yesterday. Yesterday, an article mentioned that the price of gold might be subject to the level of 1800, until Biden's $1.9 trillion stimulus plan came out. Yesterday, the price of gold rose to $1812 per ounce and finally closed at $1810 per ounce.

Just hearing the sound of water can still push up the price of gold by US$ 26, which proves the power of flooding.

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