
School starts


February 4 th

Today's volatility range:

The U.S. dollar remained strong, and the data released by the U.S. last night tended to improve the economy, which made the gold price significantly under pressure. However, after the data was released, the decline did not intensify, which should be a buffer because the decline the day before yesterday was deeper than expected.

However, the trend was sour and fell below the recent support line. It is expected that the market will still go up and down today, but the top buying is not active, which makes it difficult to get rid of the weakness. Today, the suggested volatility is between 1828 and 1841 US dollars.

The Education Bureau announced yesterday that after the Lunar New Year holiday, all kindergartens, primary and secondary schools in Hong Kong can reopen to a limited extent according to their own needs: they can only continue to provide half-day courses, but the number of classes will be increased from one sixth of the students.

To one third of the registered students in the whole school. The Education Bureau also pointed out that schools should first apply to the Education Bureau and meet the conditions for resuming classes, that is, schools must arrange for all staff to have virus testing every two weeks regularly.

All faculty members are required to complete the test within 14 days before the resumption of classes. It seems that the SAR Government is completing a comprehensive inspection in disguise by means of surprise siege and exchange of conditions. During the outbreak of COVID-19 in Britain last year,

Moore, a World War II veteran who raised 33 million pounds for medical care, died of SARS-CoV-2 infection at the age of 100. Prime Minister Johnson expressed condolences and tribute, and said that more than 10 million people across the country,

Including nearly 90% of the elderly aged over 75 who have been vaccinated. Only Britain still had more than 19,000 new people diagnosed with SARS-CoV-2 yesterday, and the number was still high. Prime Minister Johnson said that the current infection level in Britain is still very high.

Before considering measures to relax social distance, the authorities should look at more data on vaccine to variant viruses, but expect schools to reopen on March 8. Yesterday, the European Union announced the consumer price index of last month, which increased by 0.9%, which was better than the market expectation.

The news stimulated the rise of the two major indexes in the Eurozone. The German DAX index rose for three consecutive days and rose by 0.71% yesterday; The French CAC index has risen and fallen; Affected by the epidemic, the FTSE 100 Index in Britain fell by 0.14%.

Biden met with several Democratic lawmakers at the White House yesterday to discuss his $1.9 trillion stimulus plan. It was reported that Biden insisted that the amount of the aid check should not be less than $1,400. Otherwise,

He will break his campaign promise of distributing $2,000 to voters (even the $600 already distributed by former President Trump). He also threw an olive branch to the Republican Party, saying that he understood that the Republican Party was worried that the cheque would fall into the hands of people who did not need assistance.

Willing to consider adopting stricter qualification requirements. Romney, a senior Republican senator, also let go, saying that the plan will not be supported by any Republican, which means that there is an opportunity to cooperate, and the situation is better than others.

The Democratic Party can pass the plan in a 50+1 way, which will show the weakness of the Republican Party. The outside world believes that the plan will soon be passed with the support of both parties in Congress. The news supports the continued upward momentum of US stocks and the individual development of new york stock market.

Dow Jones index and Standard & Poor's index rose three times in a row, up 0.12% and 0.1% respectively, while Nasdaq index rose most of the time, and fell slightly by 0.01. The U.S. dollar remained strong, and with the data released by the United States last night,

Including the change of non-agricultural employment in the United States, institute for supply management's non-manufacturing purchasing managers' index and crude oil inventories tend to improve the economy, indicating that employment, business practices and consumption in the United States are improving at the same time, and the price of gold is under significant pressure.

Except for the early rise to $1,844 per ounce, the price of gold went down, with the worst reaching $1,830 per ounce, and finally closed at $1,835 per ounce, down $3.

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