
World bank report


Today's volatility range:

The COVID-19 outbreak has brought about a long-term global policy of quantitative easing and low interest rates, and the US dollar will continue to be weak, while gold will gradually reflect its value of resisting cash depreciation. Tonight, the United States will announce the change of non-farm payrolls in the United States, which is expected to fluctuate between 1945 and 1962 dollars today.

Yesterday, the World Bank released the Global Economic Outlook report in January 2021. The report pointed out that due to the global pandemic of pneumonia in COVID-19, a large number of people fell ill and died, and millions of people faced unemployment and financial difficulties.

Therefore, the growth of economic activities and income in the past year has been suppressed for a long time. However, it seems that the global economy has entered a state of moderate recovery, and the global economy will shrink by 5.2% in 2020 to 4.3%.

The report mentioned that assuming that COVID-19 and pneumonia vaccine can be widely used in this year, it is predicted that the global economy will grow by 4% in 2021; It is estimated that the gross national product of the United States and Europe will increase by 3.5% and 3.6% respectively, while China will take the lead in getting out of the predicament because of early containment of pneumonia.

Therefore, the economic performance is the best. It is estimated that China's economy will grow by 7.9% throughout the year, ranking first in the world! However, the World Bank also warned that the global economic outlook is still uncertain. Once the government fails to effectively curb the spread of the epidemic and implement policies to promote investment,

The recovery may be slow and weak. If this happens, the global economic growth may be limited to below 1.6% in 2021. World Bank President Malpas said in the report that in addition to overcoming the impact of the epidemic, countries also need to promote the investment cycle.

Vigorously improve the business environment, improve the flexibility of labor and product markets, avoid long-term dependence on government debt, and create a sustainable business environment for enterprises.

There were more than 60,000 confirmed cases of new pneumonia in Britain yesterday, hitting a new one-day high. British Prime Minister Johnson announced that England was closed again and launched an epidemic assistance fund of about 18 billion US dollars. Britain's FTSE 100 index rose 0.6%, Germany's DAX index and France's CAC index fell 0.6% and 0.4% respectively.

The United States announced the institute for supply management Manufacturing Purchasing Managers Index yesterday. The data performance was significantly better than expected, driving the new york stock market to rise across the board, and the Dow Jones index rose by 0.55%; The Standard & Poor's Index rose by 0.73%; Nasdaq index rose 0.95%.

The second round of voting for the Senate election in Georgia began last night, and these two seats will determine the control of the Senate in the next two years. According to the polls, the support of the candidates sent by the Republican Party and the Democratic Party is very close, and the results are expected to be announced tonight.

If the Democratic Party of the United States wants to regain control of the Senate, it must have two seats. At that time, the two parties will have 50 votes to 50 votes in the seats, but the US Vice President-elect Kamala D. Harris, who is also a Democrat, will have the right to make a decisive vote. Without the opposition's hindrance,

Investors expect the next U.S. government to be more tolerant of the policy of increasing volume and belittle the previous situation of the US dollar, which once again fell below the 89.5 level yesterday. The gold price was adjusted back to 1934 US dollars per ounce early yesterday, but the continued weakness of the US dollar made the gold price turn to rise, reaching the highest value of 1953 US dollars per ounce.

It closed at $1950 per ounce, up $8.

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