
internal friction


The U.S. presidential election was officially held on November 3, local time in the United States. However, because this election coincided with the COVID-19 epidemic, due to the health and safety of the people, the election made arrangements for voting in advance and mailing votes.

According to records, 94 million voters have voted, accounting for two-thirds of the total voters in the 2016 general election, and among all the votes received, 62 million were mailed.

Mailing votes is an election strategy advocated by the Democratic Party of the United States to which Biden belongs. According to the latest opinion polls, Trump is about 5-10% behind, but in many swing States, Biden's lead has narrowed to 2-4%.

Because the results of the U.S. election are based on the voters, Hilary, who represented the Democratic Party of the United States in the last 2016 U.S. presidential election, took the majority of votes, but lost her support in the state and lost the presidency.

Who is the winner of this election? The result is really unpredictable!

However, many experts pointed out that whether Trump is re-elected or Biden is in the White House, it will be beneficial to the US economy in the near future and will strengthen the strategy of stimulating the US economy. The difference lies in the different handling methods.

Trump will continue his low tax rate and even cut taxes again, while Biden will increase a lot of concessions and taxes; What experts are worried about is that the votes of the two people are similar, it will take time to recount the votes, and there will be disputes arising from mailing votes.

It may need to be resolved through legal procedures. For example, the battle between George W. Bush and Gore in 2000 will ultimately be decided by the Supreme Court. However, this time the situation is more complicated and it may take more time or resources to resolve it.

Even if the Supreme Court finally intervenes to make a judgment, it may still lead to dissatisfaction among voters, resulting in social unrest and internal friction.

The COVID-19 epidemic broke out for the second time in many European countries, and the cumulative number of infected people in Europe doubled sharply in the past five weeks. However, European stock markets ignored the epidemic and did a great job. The German manufacturing orders announced yesterday recorded a record increase in October.

Going to 58.2 points, the news stimulated the overall rise of major European stock markets, and the German DAX index rose by 2%; French CAC index rose by 2.13%; The FTSE 100 Index also rose 1.4%. American data is also bright.

The purchasing managers index of institute for supply management's manufacturing industry released last night was 59.3 points, which was better than expected, and the new orders of manufacturing industry even reached 67.9 points, which was the best performance since 2004. The news also stimulated the new york stock market to rise.

Dow Jones index rose 1.6%; The Standard & Poor's 500 Index rose 1.4%; The Nasdaq index still rose 0.4% in the worst performance. Faced with the uncertainty of the US presidential election results, the US dollar is still heating up, with the highest rising to 94.28 points.

It closed at 94 points and closed at 94.04. Yesterday, venture capitalists smiled, and gold and stocks recorded an increase. Gold got rid of the rising pressure of the US dollar index and closed at yesterday's high of 1896 US dollars per ounce.

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