
Hold the ascending central axis


March 27

Today's amplitude interval

The United States raised interest rates as scheduled, although the Federal Reserve said it would not cut interest rates this year and said it would increase interest rates if necessary. However, investors expect that the crisis of bank failure will still exist.

With the threat, the Federal Reserve is only acting against its will, and it is expected that the interest rate hike cycle will be shortened. In addition, the European financial market crisis has revived again, and Deutsche Bank will spread it.

Following the footsteps of Credit Suisse, the European market is in a panic; The tide of bank failures has not completely receded; The existence of risk sentiment will help the gold market to try 2000 dollars. Today's construction

The amplitude of the discussion ranged from 1964 to 1985.

News of bank failures in Europe and the United States came out one after another, which made the confidence crisis in the financial market wave after wave. Although UBS bought Credit Suisse, Credit Suisse was close to US$ 14.9 billion.

Yuan's additional Tier 1 capital bonds were "cleared", and the market was afraid that banking stocks would be affected more or less. Fear once pushed the Hang Seng Index to the edge of 19,000 points.

After that, the crisis of confidence in European and American banking temporarily eased, the market gradually restored confidence, and Hong Kong stocks rebounded. The Hang Seng Index once returned to the level of 20,000 points last week, but in

Last Friday, it fell by 133 points, and the 20,000-point mark was regained. It finally closed at 19,915 points, up 397 points or 2.03%.

The crisis of confidence in European and American banks has been temporarily eased, and the market has gradually restored confidence. After the Credit Suisse incident, the Swiss National Bank still raised interest rates by 50 points to 1.50%, which was significant.

While showing inflationary pressure, it also shows confidence in the financial market; Rating agency Standard & Poor's said that from the recent events in Credit Suisse, European banks can

Being able to withstand market turmoil and predict the performance of European banks is basically resilient. The three major European stock markets rose by more than 1% last week, and the German DAX index rose by 1.28.

%; The CAC index in Paris rose by 1.3%, while the FTSE 100 index in Britain rose by 0.95%. However, on Friday, Deutsche Bank once plunged 15%, and the news of the bank exploded.

It will spread like wildfire and will once again test the financial ecology.

The collapse of the Silicon Valley Bank in the United States triggered a crisis of depositors' confidence in small and medium-sized banks. First, the share price of Hehe Bank resumed trading and fell by more than 30% again, but then the US wealth

Chang Yellen also relaxed, saying that the US government attaches great importance to facing the current credit crisis, and in order to prevent the spread of bank failures, it is prepared to deposit with the federal government when necessary.

The insurance company deposits more money. The three major stock indexes on Wall Street rose more than 1% last week, the Dow Jones index rose 1.18% and the Standard & Poor's 500 index rose 1.39%.

The Nasdaq Composite Index rose 1.61%.

The collapse crisis of European and American financial groups emerged, and the intervention of the Swiss government made UBS decisively buy Credit Suisse, but it was necessary to skim off nearly $14.9 billion in bond capital and gold.

The price once rushed over $2,000 and rose to $2010. After that, the market gradually restored confidence, the risk aversion cooled rapidly, and the gold market was greatly adjusted.

The lowest callback was $1,935.5, and the Federal Reserve announced the result of the interest rate meeting at 2 am last Thursday, as the market expected to raise interest rates by 25 points. Although Federal Reserve Chairman Bowie

Moore said that he would not cut interest rates this year, and said that he would increase interest rates if necessary. However, the market would rather believe that Fed officials were wrong and the gold price fell.

Narrowing, the price of gold closed at $1,979 last week, down $9.3 in a week.

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