
Global poverty?


Geopolitical tension, politicians wandering around the world to lobby is like the Warring States Period, uniting Lian Heng is wonderful! The Czech Republic, which was relatively close to China, has seen obvious changes in relations between the two countries.

Because Czech Senate President Vystrcil recently visited Taiwan, Tezier attended the Economic and Investment Forum yesterday morning and signed three memorandums of cooperation with Taiwan, prompting Taiwan to increase its investment in the Czech Republic and Europe.

In the afternoon, he went to Taiwan University of Political Science to give a speech, saying that he hoped this trip would help Taiwan open the door to Europe, and called on democratic countries to support Hong Kong people who are fighting for democracy.

And say the slogan "I am Taiwanese" in Mandarin. Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said that Czech political officials' visits to Taiwan have violated the "One China" principle.

All countries that challenge China's sovereignty and integrity are enemies of the 1.4 billion Chinese people, and then the Czech consul in China will be summoned to inquire about the purpose of his Senate President's visit.

Wang Yi himself also flew to Europe to visit five countries including Germany; Germany is the largest economy in the European Union, and it is also one of the western democratic countries that is more tolerant of China issues.

One of the reasons is the long-term economic interest relationship between the two countries. On the other hand, it is the game between countries. The so-called shooting the first bird, there is a rising country that can replace the role that the United States is eyeing.

Why not? On the other hand, if two tigers compete with each other, there will be one injury, or even two losses, and this is a big bargain. But in the end German Foreign Minister Maas also criticized China for threatening the Czech Republic.

And urged China to withdraw the national security law of the port area and implement the principle of one country, two systems. These remarks cast a haze on the originally harmonious Sino-German relations.

The U.S. stock market rose more and more. The Dow Jones index rebounded by 88 points, the S&P index rose by 14 points, and the bullish Nasdaq index broke its peak again, rising by 139 points.

The performance of American stock market is completely out of touch with the global economy dragged down by new coronary diseases. Some investment banks' falling US dollar will further support US stocks and attract overseas investors to invest US$ 300 billion in the market.

Become the driving force for the biggest rise of US stocks. However, the International Monetary Fund warned that if we want to assess the potential cost of this pneumonia crisis in COVID-19, it is estimated that the world will lose about 11 trillion US dollars this year and next.

In other words, the world will be much poorer than before. Yesterday, the US dollar index continued to be influenced by the Fed's remarks. The US dollar index fell to a two-year low of 91.75.

However, the institute for supply management Manufacturing Purchasing Managers Index released last night was 56, which was better than the expected 54.5, leading the dollar to rebound sharply to 92.47. The price of gold obviously fluctuated greatly under the influence of the trend of the US dollar.

The highest is 1993 per ounce, the lowest is 1964 dollars per ounce, and finally it is closed at 1970 dollars per ounce, slightly rising by 3 dollars.

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