


The Sino-US trade conference, which was thought to have been postponed indefinitely, surprised rashomon event! Gao Feng, spokesman of China's Ministry of Commerce, was asked in Beijing last Thursday whether the two sides would meet.

"Both sides have agreed to hold a telephone conversation in the near future.". Although he did not mention the exact date, and did not further elaborate on the contents of the meeting to be discussed, he has sent a positive message that the trade conference is expected to reopen.

However, the US side said that although it is satisfied with the implementation of China's first-stage trade agreement, especially the share of American agricultural products, it has not reached a consensus with China and has no timetable for returning to the trade meeting between the two countries.

In a news interview, US President Trump even said that it is not necessary to do business with China. He said that if China does not treat the United States correctly, he will decouple the American economy from China.

Who was lying at the China-US trade conference? Sino-US relations are still tense. US President Trang issued an executive order two weeks ago to complete the removal of two Chinese-funded programs TikTok and WeChat in the United States within 45 days.

TikTok has officially taken legal action against the ban issued by US President Trump; The overseas version of WeChat changed its name in the United States, which is believed to avoid blocking. There are about 19 million users of WeChat in the United States. If it is really forbidden to use WeChat in the United States,

This not only stifles the communication of WeChat users, but also hits the American economy, especially the retail industry, because many users are used to using micropayments to complete business transactions.

Rumor has it that government officials are privately trying to make American companies such as Apple still have business dealings with WeChat in China, by limiting downloads and updates to the United States instead of the world.

This arrangement is also based on economic interests. In recent days, senior government officials have been in contact with some companies, realizing that a total ban on WeChat may have disastrous effects on US technology, retail, games, telecommunications and other industries.

Apple will be one of the most damaged American companies in the WeChat ban, but China is a big customer, and its market share accounts for one-fifth of Apple's revenue.

The price of gold fluctuated sharply last week. After the news that Warren Buffett bought the world's largest gold mine stock, the price of gold returned to the level of 2,000 US dollars per ounce last week, reaching a maximum of 2016 US dollars per ounce, but on Wednesday night,

The minutes of the July policy meeting released by the Federal Reserve showed that members were worried that the recovery of the US economy from the recession caused by the epidemic was full of uncertainties, which prompted the Federal Reserve to implement large-scale stimulus measures for a longer period of time.

We agreed to keep the short-term interest rate target at 0-0.25%. Although experts have expected the interest rate and its policy to remain unchanged, the market still regards it as good news for the US dollar. The US dollar index rebounded at a two-year low last night and returned to the level above 93.

Once pushed down the price of gold to 1911 per ounce, and the weekly high and low level was close to 100 dollars! Finally, it closed at 1940.5 per ounce.

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