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World Cup Economics Creates Business Opportunities


With the coming of the World Cup every four years, every tournament has created unlimited business opportunities for the sports market. Since the World Cup was held in the United States in 1994, when commercial activities were introduced, the World Cup was no longer a single event.

It is purely a sports activity, and it is tens of billions of commercial activities. It also derived the theory of World Cup economics. In addition to the commercial benefits of FIFA, the host country and

The economic activities of the participating teams will also be boosted. According to statistics, a World Cup can bring nearly 400,000 foreign tourists to the host country. They usually stay for about 18 days, each

The average cost per person is as high as $4,000, which is a huge profit for the host country, even reaching the GDP growth of nearly 1% that year. It can be seen that these 64 events are beneficial.

Run extraordinary. In addition to the left organizer and the host, local broadcast TV stations also get advertising revenue. Take China Central Television as an example, the advertising revenue during the World Cup is as follows

Billion yuan, less than 100 million yuan of advertising revenue in the 1990s, has increased at a double rate in the past 20 years. Even economists have counted that the GDP of the winning team in the championship will be raised.

0.7% vibration. Sports-related industries will be boosted in an all-round way, and the expansion of business opportunities by World Cup economics is also quite comprehensive.

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