
Have come one after another


The second round of American epidemic relief plan, which was originally announced on August 5, was deadlocked. The media reported that the Democratic Party's sales of $3 trillion was too far behind the figures of the White House and the Republican Party.

Last Friday, a consensus was reached, and US President Trump threatened to exercise his presidential power to issue an executive order to pass the plan for the rescue of the epidemic. Before that, U.S. Treasury Secretary Mitch warned lawmakers,

If the three parties failed to reach an agreement last Friday, the second round of epidemic relief plan will be pulled down. It is estimated that this plan will eventually be passed, because the demands of the people obviously put pressure on members of both parties.

Due to the huge number of new funds involved, it is expected that the market will pay close attention to the development of this scheme this week. The cumulative number of infected people in novel coronavirus is close to 19,800, and the number of confirmed deaths has increased to over 729,000.

The United States has accumulated more than 5.14 million infections yesterday, and continues to be the country with the most infections in the world. Sino-US relations continued to deteriorate, and the United States opened a new front. US Secretary of State Pompeo put forward the "clean network" action.

In response to Chinese telecom companies and Chinese-funded programs, the other party stopped obtaining personal data and monitoring of American citizens through programs, and even once again named and accused Chinese-funded programs TikTok and WeChat.

US President Trang even issued an executive order to complete the removal of the two programs within 45 days. TikTok has sought to sell in the United States, and WeChat may hit even harder. In fact, WeChat is not only social media.

Penguin applet has become a part of the life of most overseas Chinese, and WeChat payment is a software that once threatened the payment system of traditional banks. In an age when network information is so developed, the harm caused by American network strategy,

More powerful than sending troops to lock the country. According to the Hong Kong Autonomy Law signed by US President Trump in mid-July, the US Treasury Department announced sanctions against 11 Chinese and Hong Kong officials last Friday, including Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam. Pompeo even said that sanctions against Hong Kong will come one after another.

Recently, Trump mentioned Hong Kong's financial market many times, which obviously kicked off the financial war. Many officials on the sanctions list said they were not afraid of sanctions, even denounced the US position and threatened to support the motherland's counter-measures against the United States.

Thanks to the geopolitical warming and the threat of epidemic, the US dollar index hovered at a low level. Gold price continued last week? ? Rose to a record high of $2,075.3 per ounce last Friday, although the US market closed down to $2,035 per ounce.

The price of gold has risen for nine consecutive weeks, and the bull market has not retreated. It is now entering an adjustment period, and it may still reach a new high after consolidation.

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