
climb the stairs


August 2nd

Today's amplitude range

U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's visit to Asia made the political situation tense, and the chances of global economic recession increased, which stimulated the demand for safe haven, and the price of gold rose to a higher level.

When the dollar is in a downturn, the price of gold will benefit from it, and this week, there are many opportunities to go up. Today's suggested volatility is $1,767 to $1,785. In the past July, Hong Kong stocks showed

Underscoring the European and American stock markets, it opened 120 points lower again yesterday, showing investors' worries about the economic situation in Hong Kong and the mainland. However, yesterday afternoon, HSBC Holdings outperformed the market forecast.

During the period, one share saved the whole audience. The Hang Seng Index rose by 94 points at most, and the highest was 20,251 points. The increase in the tail market narrowed, and finally the Hang Seng Index closed up by only 9 points or 0.05% to 20,165 points.

It shows that the bottom of the Hong Kong stock market is still weak, and the support of 20,000 points is a bit dangerous!

Yesterday, the euro zone released the purchasing managers' index data for July. The figures are backward compared with June. Although they are better than expected, they fall below 50 points of the dividing line between the ups and downs.

The weakness of the manufacturing industry has caused the market to further worry about the recession of the European economy. The three major European stock markets have stopped rising, and the German DAX index has dropped by 0.03%. Paris, France

CAC index fell by 0.18%; Britain's FTSE 100 index fell 0.13%. Pelosi, Speaker of the US House of Representatives, visited Asia, and it is widely rumored in the market that her itinerary will include a visit to Taiwan Province and

Meeting with President Tsai Ing-Wen of Taiwan Province, the Chinese Foreign Ministry has immediately protested that Pelosi's visit to Taiwan Province violates the one-China principle, and the market rumors that China is waiting for the opportunity to

Today and tomorrow, cross-border display of military strength, strong smell of gunpowder!

With the weakening of the venture capital atmosphere and the weakening of former US Treasury Secretary Summers, the possibility of the US economy falling into recession will reach 75% in the next two years, while the new female stock goddess Mutou's speech is even more pessimistic.

It means that the American economy has fallen into recession! The three major Wall Street indexes fell across the board, with the Jones index falling by 0.14%; The S&P 500 index fell 0.29%; The Nasdaq Composite Index fell 0.18%.

There was no result in the talks between China and the United States, and the market was greatly disappointed. Instead, Pelosi, Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, visited Asia, and it was announced that she would visit Taiwan Province today to provoke China again.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs warned verbally that the situation became tense, stimulating the demand for safe haven. The price of gold rose for the fourth day in a row, following last week's rise. The lowest price of gold was $1,758.4 and the highest price was $1,775.4.

Dollars, and finally closed at $1,772.1, up $5.9.

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